Friends of St. Teresa Nzara Hospital latest updates and recent trip

Geoff Elliott an Australian expert in computing and electrical design, Dr Cristina Tassi specialist Haematologist and Transfusion expert from Bologna Italy and myself met in Kampala before the MAF flight to Yambio South Sudan and onto Nzara. We were kindly shown around the Ugandan National blood Bank by Grace Otekat after a welcome by Director Dr Dorothy Kyeyune Byabazaire.

Catholic Medical Mission Board (CMMB) and Partners Meeting

Dick Day Senior Vice President CMMB, Robert Wuillamey Director of Partnerships, John Perry in Country South Sudan Leader, and Benson Wakoli Local Leader met with us at St Theresa Hospital to assess progress with the Theatres, Wards and Blood Bank building programme. The programme has been possible through partnership with CMMB and donors, Edmund Rice Foundation Australia (ERFA), Kendra Onlus Italy, The Comboni Missionary Sisters and the Diocese of Tombura-Yambio. The buildings have evolved through the design work of Australian architects Helen Berthelsen and Ian Laging, expertly built by Francis Obeti and his team and diligently and diplomatically engineered by Martin Rubino CMMB volunteer with his expert maternity nurse and wife Sarah. The whole project being supervised by Sr Laura Gemignani and assisted by Sr Jane Frances.

Detailed confirmation of the electrical planning of the power supply was undertaken on site by Geoff Elliott and Lule Project electrician. The power cabling was laid from the solar power system in the trench.

This was dug by the British Teak Company excavator which saved significant time and labour.

The volunteers, doctors, medical officers and administration staff were inspirational. Each person making a unique contribution for the good of the people.

Sr Laura Gemignani, Sr Jane Frances, Sunday, Moses and CMMB Staff.

Many thanks for your support and steadfast work in difficult circumstances.

Martin and Sarah Rubino and child.

Your commitment, expertise and gently ways have brought this project to life. Just as you protect the lives of mothers and babies with Sarah’s skills and dedication so will this theatre, birthing unit, wards, and blood bank protect the lives of mothers, babies, fathers, and families, bringing them into a hopeful future with St Theresa Nzara Hospital.

Dr Daniel Doyle