Dr Sr Sara Antonini

Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS)

Dr Sr Sara Antonini

Dr Sr Sara Antonini CMS trained as a doctor in Italy with years of experience in Uganda became manager of St Theresa from 2008 to 2016.
Dr Sr Sara oversaw the development of the children’s ward, drawing together the mothers and children.  The laboratory expanded and staff were sent for training in Wau, Nairobi and Mardi. Some of these staff have returned trained and experienced to serve the people of Nzara Tombura -Yambio and beyond. Major Funding agencies, USAID, CMMB, GLRA, IRT (International Refugee Trust ) and Edmund Rice Foundation (Australia) provided support during Sr Antonini’s management.

Dr Sr Sara together with nursing staff and volunteer Medicos provided care for the children, men and women over seven years before returning to Verona Italy.